35 Before 35 September

Life is seriously moving way too fast. I didn’t really get a lot accomplished off the list this time around.

1. Crochet something else besides blankets or scarves at least once a year (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

2. Do a photography challenge

3. Visit 5 cities I have never been to before (7/5)

4. Tour at least one a winery, brewery, or distillery

5. Send at least 5 snail mail a month

6. Become a “professional” photographer

7. Run at least 10 races (any distance) (5/10)

  • I ran the Plaza 10K earlier this month.

09131509018. Go camping with Tom

9. Pay for the car behind me in a drive through

10. See Tyrone Wells live as many times as possible

11. Tour Fort Defiance here in Clarksville

12. Water ski with my dad

13. Do a 5K with my mom

14. Take a swing dance class with Tom

15. Read at least one fun book a month and one professional development book every three months

16. Take a pottery or stained glass class

17. Do one new recipe each month

  • Crockpot Cheesy Enchilada Quinoa-seriously this is like a drug. It is addicting. You need to make this.
  • Meatball Parmesan Casserole-We just made some spaghetti noodles to go along with it. Tom loved this because it was a lot of meatballs. He would be a carnivore if that were the healthy thing to do.
  • Chicken Parmesan Casserole-Basically the same recipe as the one above just with chicken.
  • My grandma made all us grandkids a Betty Crocker cook book where she added her own recipes along with it. It is one of my treasures now that she is gone. I made a couple things from this book this past month. Her corn casserole and glazed carrots. Both great! I would make that corn casserole every day if I had time.

18. See both a Clemson and UCM football game live

19. Find a place to volunteer on a regular basis

20. Go hiking

21. Ride in a hot air balloon

22. Go to at least 20 “new to me” restaurants. (29/20)

  • A friend and I tried El Rancho downtown, which is within walking distance of our office. It was pretty good going down and really cheap, however both of us did not have happy bellies by the middle of the afternoon. Very greasy!

23. Stay at a bed and breakfast

24. Spend a day without electronics (phone, t.v. and computer)

25. Do something unique and new for my birthdays

26. Explore Nashville while we live here

27. Watch at least 10 movies that I have not seen before that won Best Picture at the Oscars and at least 20 documentaries (not necessarily Oscar winning) Movies (2/10); Documentaries (7/20)

28. Sew an item of clothing from scratch

29. Do a personal devotional/bible study on my own

30. Be a mascot for an event

31. Go on our honeymoon (preferably somewhere tropical)

32. Host an annual NCAA Basketball Tournament Championship game party

33. Go on a mission trip

34. Be on a recreation volleyball team

35. Become a mom

2 thoughts on “35 Before 35 September

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